Contact Us

Here is whaere you can contact me. I'd appreciate if you contacted me on broken links, improvements I could make orto ask permission to use my pictures. However I would really be mad if you sent me spam or trolls. I also don't want mail about stupid things. (hopfully you don't have to ask what those are)I would apreciate it if you sent me Fanfics, but unfortunitally my e-mail won't accept pictures, so fanrt is out of it, at least for now. AND NO FORWARDS.

For Chad Wufei:

About Rex Merquise:

Name: Rex G.(alias Rex "Merquise")(Holding off on the real last name)

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 154 LBS

Mobile Suit(MS): Shortduck, Evian(with water pistol and none system)

Family: Father, Rex G. Mother, Beverly G., Sisters, Erin G. and Mychell H.(Pronounced like Michelle, but spelled different)

Occutpation: Student

Home: Earth

Nationaltiy: A whole crapload of stuff, but born in the United States.

My words to you:

I made this site to get information about my favorite show, Gundam Wing, on the web, and as a hobbie. I am also a fan of DragonBall Z. In fact I was originally going to make a DBZ site. I am currently unemployed(Acctually I have a job now and just haven't started yet), no longer single, and bored most of the time. My friends and I are forming a band which I am drums/vocals for.(Yes, Chad Wufei is a member of the band)

About Chad Wufei:

Name: Chad Q. (alias Chad Wufei")

Gender: Male (although Rex sometimes disagrees with that) (Rex you can decise if that's funny or not and to add it)

Age: 13

Height: 5'11 (close, Rex)

Weight: 200 lbs (I'm a big boy for my age!)

Mobile Suit: Heellong (Shen=Shin, Heel. get it?) Sometron (you can come up a w/ a funny weapon if you want)

Family: Ron Q, Diane Q, my "brothers" Rex G. "Merquise", and Eddie "Edduo" G.

Occupation: Student, ladies man

Home: Earth (another topic Rex and I argue on)

Nationality: German, Irish,and a whole lot o' stuff. Born in U.S.A.

My words to you:

First off, Rex has a much better pic than me, but I won't worry about it, the girls still know where the love is! (I am single ladies, so don't hold back!) (nice touch Rex) I'm learning HTML, and will then team up with Rex to make this site awesome! I'm also going to make site on Gundam Wing, the Transformers series, and DBZ. Rex and I working on a band. I play keyboards/guitar/sax/vocals. I hate to brag, bu I am a bigger Gundam Wing fan than Rex, though he beats me hands down on DBZ. I am unemployed (more time for the girls!)

Some of Chad's and My Favorite Bands in no particular order:

  • Limp Bizkit
  • Creed
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • 3 Doors Down
  • Rackets N' Drapes
  • "Werid Al" Yankovic (It was proabably the highlight of our lives when we met him *smile*)
  • Barenaked Ladies